The GSB Universe
Graduate School of Business (GSB) was launched in 2011 to meet the requirement of an ‘IVY LEAGUE’ Business College in Indore, which boasts some of the best-known schools in the country. With its excellent campus having ‘State of Art’ infrastructural facilities, GSB is the most vibrant and dynamic place to be. The infrastructural facilities are complemented by Innovative Courses, ‘Education Plus’ Specialisation Programmes, Industry Links and Cutting-Edge Research, which enable GSB to take pride in being the finest B-School for Management Leadership Development in Central India.
We aim at achieving ‘Complete Transformation’ of our students by imparting him/her with skills like ‘in-depth’ Cross Functional Knowledge, Strategic Thinking, Seasoned Judgement, Global Perspective, Adaptability, Integrity… that are required of today’s management students who are being groomed for tomorrow’s top leadership positions. But these skills alone are not enough.

The GSB Pedagogy works in partnership with Industry to shape our students into ‘Business Ready’ leaders, which makes them attractive to ‘Top Notch’ companies around the world. Our ‘Custom Made 360 Degree’ curriculum which includes Case Studies, Simulations, Role Plays, Presentations, Management Games, and overall development through Personality Development Classes, Sports, Cultural Events, Clubs (Social, Music, Dance, Drama, Photography, Cooking etc), aims to hone individual capabilities to the highest level of performance. The result is a personal transformation with profound organisational implications.
While many programmes focus on specific aspects of Management Leadership Development for all our courses, none offer what GSB does. Faculties who are leaders in their fields, an elite group of executives from around the world who provide an intensive and interactive learning experience, And our innovative approach make us the college that everyone aspires to be part of.
GSB students never fail, they either win ………….. or learn! Our best wishes in your dreams of pursuing excellence.
We, at the Graduate School of Business (GSB), believe that overall infrastructure plays a vital role in the quality of education being imparted to the students. Our infrastructure matches that of any top-notch college in the world. An aesthetically designed building with its lush green landscaped gardens, spread-out sports fields, a beautiful Amphitheatre and Auditorium, a Smart well-equipped Library make a stunning impact on the viewer.
Smart step-up Airconditioned Class Rooms equipped with Smart Board, Video Projection Facility, Video Conferencing Facilities & Live Lecture Recording, along with well designed Dance, Drama & Music Studios, and music studios, make education enjoyable. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basket Ball, Volleyball, Table Tennis facilities provide ample opportunities to sports enthusiasts to hone their skills. Our Dance, Drama, and Music Studios, along with the Open-Air Amphitheatre and ‘State of Art’ Auditorium, enthral the artists amongst our students, since it enables them to learn as well as showcase their skills to the audience. The well-planned “Burmese Bamboos” provide a green backdrop outside each and every lecture hall, creating a conducive environment to studying. The exquisitely designed, lush green “Rain Forest Café” provides students with the opportunity to utilise their breaks in a most pleasurable environment.

More About Campus
➢ 11 acre Lush Green Eco-Friendly Campus
➢ Smart-Board Enabled AC Classrooms
➢ 300-Seater World Class Auditorium
➢ Open Air Amphitheatre
➢ Step- up Theatrical Classrooms
➢ Live Lecture Recording
➢ Video Conferencing Facilities
➢ Wi-Fi Campus with High Speed Broadband Connection
➢ E-Library and Online Test System
➢ Forest Café
➢ Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball & Indoor Games Facility
➢ Dance, Drama & Music Studios
➢ Yoga, Meditation, Dance & Music Centre
➢ Transportation Facility across the city & Dewas
➢ Hostel accommodation assistance.